sábado, 9 de junio de 2007

Green Socks

Green socks is a campaing made by school Colombo Britanico and is for students to valorate our school. With this campaing the school is trying to teachs us that our socks are not a pair of green socks they are our symbol a thing that makes us diferent from other schools also a thing that make us part of the comunity CCB. This campaing make me realize that we are diferent from other school and that we need to apriciated our school. I agree with this philosophy for two reason first because students need to realize that they are part of CCB, also because this philosophy would make students realize that CCB is not a normal school.

My favourite place at school

My favourite place at school Colombo Britanico is the soccer field because there i play my favorite sport that is soccer. I want to talk about this place because when I play soccer i feel very good and is very fun to play with your friends. The soccer field is locate behind primary and at the rigth of the gym it is made with a specila grass called grama and it was made for that students that love to play soccer, play matchs and practice. There are p.e. teachers involved in this enviornment like Edgar Jurado and Oscar that teachs us how to be better playing. In this soccer field you only need a ball and you would have a lot of fun.


In our school colegio colombo britanico are 5 values that are responsability, solidarity, respect, honesty and tolerance. This values are very important because this teach us how to grow being a very good person, my parents put me in this school not only for the academic also for me to learn the importance of values and to be not inteligent but a good person. For me all values are important but for me this are the most important, soladirity because you need to always help the people that need more than you and also respect because everyone need to be respect because they are also persons and must be treated the way you would liked be.

Icontec rules

Icontec rules are some rules that you need to follow to make an extended essay. This rules are special and some of them are margins sizes, how to make a good front page, titles with capital letter and in the center,etc. If you follow this rules making your extended essay it would look organized, clear and it would attracts the reader attention. Also you would get a very high grade like 4.5. My personal comment for this rules are that they are easy and would make have a very good extended essay.


My most important person in my life is my dad because he is very nice with me because he love me very much, for me he is the best dad in the entire world. Our relation is of son to dad but I treat him like my best friend. My dad is called Pablo Jose Vernaza he work at fundacion carvajal and he like to go to cine, he live in Cali I love him alot because he have teach me alot of things.